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Company Maintenance – Other Tab

Enable Time Management / Dollar Charge per Mile

Custom Time Management feature, customer specific.



Down Payment


Show Down Payment Tab

Yes or No to display down payment tab upon invoice entry.

Credit Card Discount and Deposit account

Account numbers where to record credit card discounts and deposits.

Cash Deposit Account and Journal

Account number where to record customer’s prepayments or partial payments and which journal to use in the entry.

Print Credit Card Info on Invoice

Yes or No to print the Credit Card information on the bottom of the Invoice.

PTB Ticket Entry

Allow users to override list price

Option available to allow/disallow the overriding of the list price.


Rental Method

Used with Pak Accounting's add on Rental option. None: Disable Rentals option, 28 Days: 28 day Rental option, Monthly: Monthly Rental Option, for more information see Rentals.

Use Tax/Reimbursement

Yes or No to turn on or off. For more information see Use Tax/Reimbursement.

Last Base Cost Update

Date of last Base Cost Update.

Commissions and Reimbursements

Commission Payable Acct

Account number to record commission payable entries.

Commission Expense Journal

Journal number to record commission entries.

Commission expense Acct/Sub-account

Acct number to record the expense side of commission entries. If account has Sub-Accounts then use *CUST.

Reimbursement Expense Journal

Journal number to record reimbursement entries.

Reimbursement Expense Acct/Sub-account

Specify acct number to record expense side of reimbursement entries. If account has Sub-Accounts then use *CUST.

Create Payable Entries

Yes or No to creates A/P entries.