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Navigation:  Invoicing > Reports/Inventory > Utilities >


Mass Change Prices

Utility to mass change prices for a part number or class code range.

Zero cost/on hand qty, recomputed on-hand cost

Utilities to:

1. zero inventory dollar amount on items

2. recost on hand inventory amounts and/or

3. zero current on hand values or zero history.

ASCII import of Parts

File format of ASCII import of parts into Pak Accounting.

Sync inventory to Parts master

Utility to match inventory to balance on parts master.

Import List Price

Utility to import a price list from a file.

Base Cost Updater

Utility to update the base cost of the inventory based on invoices from the past 30 days.

Export Part Descriptions

Export descriptions of a part number, given a specified date, and customer range.

Inventory Mass Change Description Utility

Allows you to mass change the part description by importing an excel file.