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Company Maintenance - Invoice Tab

Entry Tab

When out of stock

Show or Do Not Show message in a popup window when the number of parts sold on an invoice exceeds the quantity in inventory. Note: If you are not tracking Inventory then this field does not apply and will not show on the invoice.

Ship to Sub-Table

Sub-Table for Ship to addresses

Default Cost

Cost to use when entering new invoices. Available options are: Average Cost, Last Purchase Price, or Base Price.

NOTE: The most commonly used option is the Average Cost. This option could be different for each location.

On New Invoice

Auto Gen Invoice Number

Generate Number Automatically – system will sequentially generate the next invoice number

Key Number Manually – allows you to enter the invoice number

TIP: The numbers must be unique so it may be best to let the system keep up with it. You can override the first/beginning invoice number under Master File Maintenance – Next Number Assignment.

Invoice/PO Number Prefix

Specify a one character alphanumeric to add as a Prefix to Invoice Numbers/PO Numbers

Starting Field for Invoice Maintenance

Select where the system will first prompt you to enter data for a new Invoice. You can start with one of these fields:

1 - Work Order Date field

2 - Invoice Number

3 - Invoice Date

4 - Status

5 - Customer Number

6 - Customer Name

7 - Customer Name #2

Default Invoice Status

Status of an invoice at initial entry:

W=Work Order; S=Shipping Order; R=Ready to Print; P=Printed; or Q=Quote

Show Commission Tab

Yes or No to display the commission tab upon invoice entry

Show Bill to Tab

Yes or No to display the Bill To tab upon invoice entry

Display Customer Notes

Yes or No to display Customer notes upon invoice entry

Automatically compute Service Charges

Yes or no to automatically compute Service charges upon invoice entry, for more information see Surcharge

Limit Invoice entry by UserID

Yes or No to limit the users allowed to enter invoices

Assign temp invoices by User ID

Yes or No to assigns temporary invoice numbers upon invoice entry to certain User IDs

User IDs for 2nd series of invoice numbers

Enter the User ID(s) to assign temporary invoice numbers to (separated by semi colon)

Display AR Account Field in Inv. Maint.

Yes or No to display AR account number for customers upon invoice entry

Pop-up Part Detail on Insert in Inv. Maint.

Yes or No to popup the part details upon invoice entry

Display Percent Marked Up...

Check this box to turn on a column on Invoicing - Enter Invoices to Pay (Mark Up %). For inventory type parts, if the markup on the line item is negative, the field will turn red. This will be a warning, not an error.

Flag if line items mark up is less than:

Use this field to define the markup % threshold if the Mark Up % column option is checked.

Print Tab: This makes real-time changes to unposted invoices; however, this will not change historical invoices.

Default Number of copies for Invoices & WO/Shipping/Held

Select the number of copies of invoices and/or Work orders to print

Print Logo on Invoice

Select a logo file to print on invoices. Logos are stored as a .bmp file in GLN32/WPFORMS. Adjustments can be made to move the logos horizontal & vertical position as well as the image height. Also see Signatures and Logos for more information.

Invoice Format / Work Order Format / Shipping Format

Select the format to print the Invoice / Work order (See Invoice Formats for available formats) This is a real-time change. Meaning, you will not need to recreate your invoice if you change the format. It is important to note that if you change the format and then print a historical invoice the system will use the current setting.

Print amounts on Shipping Invoices

Yes or No to print amounts on shipping invoices

Print Taxable/Non-Taxable on Line Items

Yes or no to print"T" or "N" to the right of the description on the Invoice

Omit Zero Sell Price Items from Invoice

Yes or No to omit zero sell price items from printing on the Invoice

Sub-Total by Class Code

Yes or No to print a subtotal after each class code on the invoice

Print Company Name/Address on Invoice / Print Company Phone/Fax on Invoice

Yes or no to print the company name and address or company phone and fax on the invoices

Mail Invoices To

Bill To or Customer

Print Sales Tax and Total on Quotes

Yes/No option to print the Sales Tax and Total on Quotes.

Notes/Comments tab

Top of Invoice

Comments to print at the Top of each invoice

Bottom of Invoice / Bottom of WO/Shipping

Comments to print at the Bottom of each invoice or work order

(over 30)

This is a past due comment for past 30 days letting you know that 30 days have past since you were suppose to have paid this invoice (which was over 30 days ago).

(over 60)

This is a past due comment for past 60 days letting you know that 60 days have past since you were suppose to have paid this invoice (which was over 60 days ago).

(over 90)

This is a past due comment for past 90 days letting you know that over 90 days have past since you were suppose to have paid this invoice (which was over 90 days ago).