Partial Pay/ Chg Due Date

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Partial Pay/ Chg Due Date

The Partial Pay / Change due date screen has 2 functions:  

1.Change the due date on a posted invoice
2.Split an invoice in order to make partial payments.


Change Due Date:

Since the number one way to pay invoices is by the Due Date, there are times that you may need to modify the Due Date so the correct invoice will pull in to your payment extract. Use the Partial Pay/Chg Due Date screen if you need to change the due date on an invoice once it has posted but before it has been paid.

Use the Find to select the Vendor that is needed. Click on the Invoice you need to change and simply enter in the new Due Date in the Due Date field on the right-hand side of the screen. Click on Save when finished.  

NOTE: To select multiple items hold down the control key then right click to change multiple due dates. See Multi-selection for more information on this feature.


Split Invoice/Partial Pay:

This section assumes that the default company options have been selected. To check this, go to Master File Maintenance – Company A/P Options – Advanced tab.

This screen has the ability to split an invoice into two different due dates. If there is a quantity on the entry to be split, the quantity will split as well.

1.Find the vendor and invoice you are needing to change.

2.Click on the invoice, in the Partial Amount at the top of the field, enter the amount you want to split out of the original.

3.A box will pop up with the new amounts and ask if this is correct, review the information and select the correct option.

4.If you select yes, you will now see 2 lines instead of 1 for your invoice. Enter in the new Due Date for the newly split out invoice


Note: Once an invoice is split it CANNOT be Unupdated or voided. The invoice (if no changes were made, i.e paid), can be rejoined using the Un-split feature in View Trend (Right-click on the split invoices and choose unsplit transactions).