Update with Removable Drive

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Update with Removable Drive

Installing a New Pak Accounting Version Using a Removable Drive (i.e. Flash Drive)


For users who do not have internet access on your Pak Accounting machine.  This procedure does require an internet connection (preferably a high speed connection) on a different computer (home, library, etc)


Go to the Utilities Menu in Pak Accounting.  Then under Global, go into WolfePak Download.  You should click the Advanced Options button which allows you to do an automatic download and installation of the most recent version of Pak Accounting from the WolfePak FTP site to a removable drive (such as flash drive).  


Clicking the “Advanced Options” button on the Advanced tab will launch our update program.


Next, select the “Prepare Removable Drive for WolfePak Update” option and Enter the Removable Drive Letter.  Select the "OK" button to begin the prepare process.




If a recent Download has been performed, then you will see the following confirmation message (Select "OK" to continue or "Cancel" to stop):




After it is finished, you should see a note that the removable drive was successfully prepared:



Take the removable drive to a computer that has Internet access and run wpAppUpd on the removable drive.  The default  “Select a Download/Install Options” is set to “Download new Program Version, License, & Release Notes”.  Click the OK button to continue.




The Download process will get all authorized items based on the selected Download Option.  After it is finished, you should see a note that the files have been downloaded to the removable drive and to connect it back to the Pak Accounting machine to complete the installation.





To complete the installation:


Launch the Pak Accounting again, go to the Utilities Menu, under Global, go into WolfePak Download and select the Advanced Options button on the Advanced tab.  


Then, Select the “Install WolfePak Update from Removable Drive” option and then specify the “Removable Drive Letter”.  Select the OK button to continue.




The installation process will install the downloaded Pak Accounting items.  After it is finished, you should see a note that the Pak Accounting software has been updated successfully.

