<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Navigation: Service Ticket > Master File Maintenance > Special Pricing |
Gives the ability to setup multiple price lists.
The system will determine which price list to use to when entering in tickets based on the price list code on the customer’s Job Location Maintenance/Special Pricing setup and the ticket date. If no special price is found, then the price will continue being taken from the part master.
Six characters used to uniquely identify the price code. This could be used to setup each customer with its own price list or setup standard price lists that can be shared by multiple customers.
Up to 30 characters used to describe the price list (example: “South Texas Prices”)
Effective date: date of contract list that Special Pricing starts
Part Number: use the drop down to select a part number that has been set up in XXXXX
Price: enter in special price
Copy: copy from one Price List and effective date to another price list/effective date |
Copy from Parts Master: Copy entire Part List Master to create a new Special Price List
Delete: a mass delete using Price Code and Effective Date combination. All lists that fit into this filter will be deleted. |
Enter in List Range, or leave as default for all. Enter in effective date or leave blank to print all. This will list: Price List Code (Item#), Desc, and Price for each Price List.
If printing for one effective date, the date will show in the heading. If unlimited, the date will show in a separate column.
Go to the Customers/Job Loc (F4) in Service Ticket, bring up the Customer, click on the Special Pricing tab, add the Special Pricing List field.
Also see: Service Ticket Overview and Setup