Price Contract Scale Maintenance

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Price Contract Scale Maintenance

This feature allows further expansion of Price Contracts by allowing multiple pricing structures based on various criteria.

To turn on this feature, go to Company Maintenance > First Purchaser tab > Advanced sub-tab

Make sure Pricing at Property level is turned on and Enable Price Contract Scale is turned on.

See Price Basis Codes for information on working with the Pricing at Property Level option.


Scales and Rates > Price Contract Scale Maintenance

Scale 1


The following fields are criteria that must be met for the pricing factors to take place.

BS&W, Gravity, Sulfur, and Iron fields

Set the range for each of the items that will be the criteria for when the ticket is entered.


One or more Offload stations can be added in this field.

If criteria above are met, then these pricing factors will come into play.

Price Factor

The percentage calculated after all other calculations are made. 1.0 equals 100%

Price Factor Basis


Index price – Price Factor just uses Index Price from Price Contract Maintenance (other adjustments are calculated after)

Final price – Price Factor uses Index Price + all adjustments

Index price + deducts – Price Factor will use Index Price and Deducts (all other scales will be calculated after)

In all cases, when property level Price Base Code is used, apply Property Price adjustment. When Price Base Code is changed due to meeting criteria, ignore the Property Price adjustment.

** See Price Basis Code below for explanation on if/when it is changed.

Price Contract Number

*CONTRACT” will keep the original contract the scale is associated with. This means one scale can be created and it will be associated with all contracts.

If different contract will have different scales, then enter in the individual Contract Number.

Price Basis Code

Set the Price Basis Code to be used if the criteria are met. This will override the Price Basis Code set at the Property Level on the Price Contract.


Util – Import from Excel

Verifies the Price Contract Number and Price Base Code Exists; and no factors overlap within the scale.

The *Contract for the Price Contract Number can be used in the import.



Once the Price Contract Scale Maintenance has been set up, attach it to Price Contracts.

Pricing tab

oMake sure all Price Basis Codes in the Price Scale Maintenance are also listed here. When criteria are met, the system will cross-reference the Price Base Code to use the corresponding Prix Index and Price Adjustments.

oEnter in the Price Contract Scale Code this is tied to

oEnter in any necessary Price Contract Price Adjustments. These will be different than the Property Level Price Adjustments.

Scale 2        

Property tab

oThe Price Base Code set on this tab will be used if criteria are not met on the Price Contract Scale Maintenance. If criteria are met, then this Price Base Code will be ignored and the one listed on the Price Contract Scale Maintenance will be used.

oSet the property level adjustments (if applicable).

Scale 3

Examples of different calculations:

Example Setup

Let’s take a look at a ticket, and how the price is affected by the different calculation methods. First, let’s take a look at our setup.

Property Setup: by default, the system will use Price Base Code 01 from Price Contract #2. There is also a Property Level Adjustment of 0.50-.

Scale 4

Ticket entered: Gravity is 55.0 and BSW is 0.20.

Scale 5


Price Contract Scale Maintenance. The only option we will be changing is the Price Factor Basis. Notice the Gravity and BSW on the ticket, this will fall into the parameters of the last line of our Scale Maintenance; since this code is different than our Property Level Code it will force calculation changes including ignoring Property Level Adjustments.

Also, our Price Factor is 0.99, meaning only 99% of the corresponding adjustments will be calculated.

Scale 6

Price Contract: in the examples to come, keep an eye on which Price Base Code and corresponding Price Adjustments used.




What does everything look like before the company option for Price Contract Scale is turned on? Company Options: Pricing at Property Level is checked, Enable Price Contract Scale not checked.


Price Test (for price breakout): The Price Test Utility can be found in Property > Price Contract tab > Price Test.

Scale 7

Since our property is set to P01, that is the index that was used along with all pricing adjustments to determine the ending price. Notice that in addition to our Price Adjustments we also have a Gravity Scale attached that will have other deductions.

Scale 8

The option has now been turned on in Company Maintenance.  Now, let’s take a look at that same ticket with each of the different settings in Price Contract Scale Maintenance.

hmtoggle_plus1Price Factor Basis: Index Price


hmtoggle_plus1Price Factor Basis: Final Price


hmtoggle_plus1Price Factor Basis: Index + Deductions.