MTM Reports

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MTM Reports

DC Sales

The form for entering in sales from distribution centers.

Sales Report

This produces a report that shows sales within a given date range.

Commissions Report

A report containing commissions from a given range of consultants and date range.

Top Recruiters

This produces a report showing recruiters within a given date range who meet a minimum volume criteria.

New/Promotions Report

Creates a report showing either all new consultants/distribution centers, or new promotions within a given date range.

Genealogy Report

Prints out a list of particular types of consultants (beauty, sales, distribution center, or retail customers) for a given range of accounts as of a certain date and with a specified number of levels.

DC Consultants Listing

Creates a listing of distribution consultants for a given range of distribution centers.

Generate Renewal Fees

Creates a list of renewal fees.