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Copy Company to a Different Company Code

This option is a utility to copy all the setup, files, data, etc. to a new company.  

Enter in the new Code and Name of your new company.

Select to include or exclude transactions and history.

oIf transactions are not included, only documents associated with the master files will be copied.

oThe history can be kept as of a specific date and the summary entry journal and offset account should be entered. The date should be the first day of the fiscal year.

A second option exists to "Move to new Client #". This option will rename the existing company. If using this utility, please make a backup of the company before copying the data to a new company or moving the data to a new client number.

NOTE: This utility will not copy over the EDI or PRT (Oil and Gas Owner Copies) folders.

Also see Adding New Company for information on creating a company from scratch.


County Code Maintenance

County Code Maintenance is where county codes are stored. They cannot be added to or adjusted. Please call your Customer Success Team at the Direct Support phone # shown on the bottom of your screen if you need any help with a county code


Copy Posted Detail Utility

Utility to replace existing G/L posted detail in one company with a copy of selective journals from another.PLEASE CONTACT YOUR CUSTOMER SUCCESS TEAM BEFORE USING THIS UTILITY!


Sub-Acct Check Active

This Utility has several features to help you manage your Sub-Accounts. The basic listing tells you which Sub-Accounts have not had activity since the as of date. Once you have reviewed the listing then change any Sub-Account to a desired inactive date. If you are sharing Sub-Accounts across multiple companies or you have a master company that has all the Sub-Accounts in, you may want to also check for activity in other companies For Sub-Accounts that are active, you can report on the most recent transaction date. This is the last time a transaction was posted to any account using this Sub-Account. Note: This is NOT a utility that is normally run against investors (revenue/billing working and royalty owners), in that royalty owners, for example, typically will not have any GL entries coded with their owner number.


Next Number Assignment

Maintenance for recording your company number information (i.e. reference numbers).  The system automatically generates reference numbers for certain processes.  Examples are:  Standard entries, Voiding checks, Investor entries, Suspense entries, bank charges, etc.  The system looks to this file and creates the entry using the next available number.

When viewing entries created by the automatic generation, the following prefix + ##### represents the system creating the entry:


ACC - Entries generating accruals

ACH - Creating a NACHA file format for direct deposit payments

ACR - Entries reversing original accrual entries

APV - Accounts Payable Void Check

ARI - Creating interest charges in Accounts receivable

BRI - Recording interest income from bank rec cycle

BRC - Recording bank charges expense from the bank rec cycle

GLS - Auto creating Sub-Accounts

PDT - Entries created when balancing production date based reports

PRV - Payroll Void Check

RBS - Adding manual entries to suspense

RBH - Rev/Billing History additions

RPP - Rev/Billing PrePaid automatic application of prepaid amounts to current billing

RBO - Creating automatic billing overhead entries in Rev/Billing

RBU - Rev/Billing Update

RBV - Rev/Billing Void Check

RIB - Investor Billing Entries

RIR - Investor Revenue Entries

RSU - Changes through suspense that has processed through a cycle

STD - Generating standard entries for G/L and A/P entries