Master Grid Views

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Master Grid Views

Master Grid Views provide the ability to view the information from different master files in a grid format. You have the ability to pick the fields needed to create a custom report. Additionally, filters and sorts can be set up in the Master Grid View to restrict the report to only necessary information. This information can be viewed, listed, saved, or exported. Master Grid Views are found many different places throughout Pak Accounting:

hmtoggle_plus1Locations by Module

Common Features:

Common features of all Master Grid Views are the ability to sort, filter, and rearrange to display only what you want to see. Once changed, the display can be saved for future use or easily restored to the defaults.

Select the master grid view to use and then select desired options. Once you have selected the specialized grid options, generate your Master Grid View by clicking “Next.” You can toggle back and forth to reset parameters for the grid and to then view the grid. Below is an example of the Employee Master Grid View. Once your Master Grid View has been generated you have the ability to add or delete columns and add additional touches to specialize the report to fit your needs.


Each Master Grid View will have a specialized list of columns that can be added that are pertinent to the report you are generating.

The columns can be sorted, filtered and rearranged to fit your needs. Additionally, custom filters can be used to filter the grid in an easy and efficient way.


hmtoggle_plus1Custom Filters
hmtoggle_plus1Column Filters
hmtoggle_plus1Column Related Options
hmtoggle_plus1Custom Field Display