General FAQ

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General FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about General Items


Click on the blue link for the answer.

hmtoggle_plus1How can I make the screen/font bigger?


hmtoggle_plus1I'm getting an error that 12/31 is not a valid date. What do I do?


hmtoggle_plus1How can I transfer my backup to another Pak Accounting User (example:CPA firm)


hmtoggle_plus1I'm getting an Access Violation, what do I do?


hmtoggle_plus1Pak Accounting is not holding the default printer. Or, the Select button is disabled.


hmtoggle_plus1Why isn't Pak Accounting checking my spelling?


hmtoggle_plus1How do I get a new version of Pak Accounting?


hmtoggle_plus1How do I find out what features are included in the latest update?


hmtoggle_plus1How do I install MICR65?