FP Start/Clear Cycle

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FP Start/Clear Cycle

If a cycle has been started, that accounting month is locked and cannot have tickets posted to it. If tickets should come in that should be included in a cycle that has already been started, then a clear cycle can be performed. This will open the cycle/month that was locked and allow tickets to be booked to that accounting month.

Clearing a cycle does not undo Tickets that have already been extracted to Revenue and therefore will not pay tickets again that have already been paid. Clearing a cycle will move tickets from the historical daily run ticket to Entry daily run ticket so that those tickets that have not already been extracted to revenue can be changed, or new tickets added.  Once tickets changes have  been made or  late tickets added, the Start Cycle should be run again.

Located in First Purchaser/Monthly Cycle/Start Clear Cycle. This is a single function screen, which does the following:


1.Increments the system cycle date by one month.

2.Temporarily moves daily run ticket records to history, making them unavailable for editing.

3.Reallocates allocated tickets

4.Recalculates ticket