Cycle Lock

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Cycle Lock

Once a Revenue/Billing Cycle is started, Pak Accounting prevents other users from interfering with your cycle.

1.The person who extracted the cycle is the “Cycle Owner”.

a.Only the Cycle Owner can complete the cycle steps.

b.Once a cycle is started, many things are locked down and can’t be changed by anyone. For example: Entries in View/Trend or the DOI.

2.Until a cycle is posted, it can be canceled at any time. If canceled, no changes will have been made to the system. This will allow you to make any necessary corrections and restart the cycle.

So, what does this have to do with the Cycle Lock? This menu will allow the Cycle Owner to be changed. Simply enter in the new user ID in the appropriate field. Or, the cycle owner can click on Clear Cycle. This will clear the cycle so that any corrections can be made and the cycle restarted.


NOTE: there are a few other things that can trigger a cycle to be canceled.  Any time a change is attempted (for example, in View/Trend or in the DOI) a warning will state a cycle is in progress, if you are the cycle owner it will ask if you would like to cancel the cycle.

Below are the processes that check for the existence of an In-Progress RB Cycle (Only allows user to clear the RB Cycle if they are the cycle owner):

1.Unposting G/L Entries that are included in the cycle

a.Unpost Entries screen

b.Unpost AP Invoices screen

c.View/Trend Detail by Account (Unpost Complete Jnl & Unpost Jnl/Ref)

d.View/Trend Detail by Account (Change Effective Date)

e.Check Stub Delete Batch Utility

2.Split Transactions

a.View/Trend Detail by Account (A/P and non-A/P entries)

b.View/Trend Detail by Journal (A/P and non-A/P entries)

c.Open Item Due Date Change (Split option)

3.View/Trend Detail by Journal (Editing and Saving changes via the grid)

4.RB Suspense Additions Batch Maintenance

5.RB Import Suspense & Check History Entries Utility

6.RB Cycle Lock Maintenance (Clear Cycle option)

7.DOI Maintenance*

8.DOI Mass Change Utility*

9.RB Overhead Maintenance*

10.RB Federal & State Withholding Maintenance* (including Reset option)

11.RB Suspense Maintenance* (including Redistribute option)

12.RB Void Check Utility*

13.RB Severance Tax Exemption Maintenance*

14.RB Severance Tax Rate Maintenance*

15.G/L Company Maintenance (when changing RB Cycle fields**)


* These processes prevent another user from starting a cycle (RB Extract) while they are in-progress.  This is done by keeping an edit lock on the Deck file for their User Id (the Extract will fail if it cannot lock the whole Deck file).  These process are considered critical, meaning that the application cannot be closed (via Exit or the “X” at the top right) while they are running.


** If any of the following fields are modified, then the system checks for a RB Cycle in-progress:

One cash entry per check?

Transfer petty suspense to A/R for WI owners that are netted

Petty suspense test rule

Minimum Amt when Flushing Petty or Writing Checks

Minimum Amount for Pay Code 1, 2, 3

Automatically Flush Petty if older than: (in Months)

AFE Netting Option