Start/Clear Cycle

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Start/Clear Cycle

The New Cycle Date will need to be manually entered in on the first cycle. Subsequent cycle defaults to next cycle month/year. 

Clicking the Start Cycle button will:

Update the gas cycle status to "Started" and gas cycle month/year to the next month.  

Start Monthly Cycle screen displays Clear Cycle option and Start Cycle button is disabled (grayed out)

Update Company Maintenance> First Purchaser Gas current cycle status and date 

Temporarily move gas ticket records for that cycle month/year to historical tickets for gas tickets.  Those tickets are unavailable for editing. 

oGas ticket allocations are not being handled at this time. 

 Recalculate gas ticket. -  If calc type is "Auto-Calc MCF"  only recalculate the MCF.


Clicking on the Clear Cycle will:

Clear the current cycle.

Open the cycle/month that was locked and allow gas tickets to booked to that accounting month. 

Moves gas ticket records from historical gas tickets to gas ticket maintenance screen. 

oGas tickets that have not already been extracted to revenue are now editable.  New gas tickets can be added.

Gas cycle status of "Started" is cleared.

Cycle Status and date on Company Maintenance> First Purchaser Gas is cleared.

Start Monthly Cycle Screen makes Start Cycle button available and disables Clear Cycle button.