Tank/Meter Reports

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Tank/Meter Reports

YT-1 Tank/Meter Listing

This report will provide the Tank Meter Listing or Tank Strapping Report. If the "External Tank ID option is selected on the Tank Meter Listing, the listing will be a simple listing. The report lists the property and volume details in increments and cumulative. Tank ID, lease, and External Tank ID sorting options and reports can be based on Tank ID's, properties, or operators. To receive a current list for the strappings, leave the effective date blank. Enter a date to receive a backdated listing.


Warnings: Same increment value as prior one: There shouldn't be a separate "line" if the incremental value is the same.  Most likely it should have been a different value and it was keyed in wrong.  If they are the same, the two lines should be combined into one line.


NOTE: Adding an effective date range will list the tank strapping for those dates. An effective date of "12/31/9999 thru 12/31/9999" will list only the latest strappings for those dates.


YT-2 Tank Strapping Report

This report will list the strapping details for a particular tank.