Rev/Bill Pre-Check Reports

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Rev/Bill Pre-Check Reports

The Pre-Check Reports include Print Distribution by Property, Print Suspense Change History, Print Office Copy, and Print Possible Problems. We highly recommend reviewing these to ensure the items being distributed and the Owner Percentages are correct. It is easier to fix items now versus after the checks have been printed.


Revenue Distribution by Property List

This report lists the distributed detail for each owner's share of each property being distributed.  You can narrow the range of the list by Lease, by Owner, or by Account. You also can restrict the list based on deleted interest, pay, petty suspense, and legal suspense. There are additional options to view the report by: Print Each Lease on New Page, Print Landscape, or Print list in Operator # Sequence.

hmtoggle_plus1Sample Print Distribution by Property Report


Print Suspense Change History since Last Cycle

This provides an audit trail of any suspense changes since the last Revenue/Billing Cycle.

hmtoggle_plus1Sample Suspense Change Log

Office Copy of Detail

The Office Copy is the internal management report of 100% revenue and billing detail by property for the cycle.

The Summary by Owner section will print at the bottom of the page if there is sufficient room for all of the detailed information. If there is not sufficient room, the Summary by Owner section will print on the next page.

hmtoggle_plus1Sample Office Copy report

Print Owners with Possible Problems

This report will only print the owners in the current cycle that have potential problems such as  missing tax ID's (to include 9-digit tax id's), all zeroes in the tax id, or all nines in the tax id or an incomplete ACH prenote.

hmtoggle_plus1Sample Print Owners with Possible Problems report


NOTE: The default owner Sub-Table will be the Owner Sub-Table when utilizing an Owner Lookup.