Purchase Order

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Purchase Order

PO Format

Select the format to print the purchase orders with

Inventory-AP Accrual: This section is only if you want to track the difference between when you receive items from your PO and when you actually receive the invoice. The Accrual AP Account is a liability account with no Sub-Table attached. When the items are received a Journal Entry from this account to inventory will be made. The Journal should be different than your Invoicing Journal.

Create G/L Entries for

If checked will create G/L Entries for Inventory


Journal number for the Inventory G/L Entries

Accrual A/P Acct

The accrual A/P account can be considered a “PO accrual”. The system will credit this account when the parts on a PO are received, and then make an offsetting entry to Inventory. This should be a liability account with no Sub-Account. (Do not use your regular
A/P account).

AP Accrual/AP: This will create an Accounts Payable invoice for the Purchase Order. You will typically use the Accounts Payable Journal.

Create G/L Entries for

If checked will create G/L Entries for A/P


Journal number for the A/P Entries

A/P Account

When the invoice is approved for payment, the system will debit the accrual account and credit A/P Account


Transfer Clearing Acct

(Used with Multi-Location) If multiple Invoicing companies all share one General Ledger, must define a "Clearing" account when entering "Transfer" Type PO's

Default Unit Cost

Method to record cost of inventory: Average Cost, Last Purchase Price, Last Purchase Price by Vendor, or Base Price. Last Purchase Price by vendor will populate the price based on the last purchase price entered for that particular part.

Upon Completed PO: This is for future enhancements and are not valid fields at this time.

Send E-mail to Vendors

This is for a future enhancement and is not available for use at this time. Yes/No option to send emails to vendors when a PO is completed.

Default E-Mail Subject
and Message

Yes or No to email PO’s upon completion

Enter a default subject and message to send on the email

Print Logo on PO

Logo File Name and Positions

Select a logo file to print on POs. Logos are stored as a .bmp file in GLN32/WPFORMS. Adjustments can be made to move the logos horizontal & vertical position as well as the image height.


Print Company Name/Address on PO / Print Company Phone/Fax on PO

Yes or No to print Company Name/Address and Phone/Fax on Invoice

Auto Gen PO Number

Generate Number Automatically - system will sequentially generate the next PO #; Key Number Manually - allows you to enter the PO #.