OGP Production

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OGP Production




Company Maintenance – Production Tab

Monthly Quantity GL Entries

Check this option to create 100% and Royalty quantity entries (based on company NRI % found on the production tab of the Property Maintenance Screen) as part of the monthly cycle "Close out month" procedure.

Select the Company Code and Journal the entries should be sent to and recorded with.

Typically used to be picked up on Financial Reports to offset information coming in from Check Stub.

NOTE: The account numbers to be used to record each product's monthly production quantity are found on the # 82 Product Master.

See below for more information.

Copy Previous Tank Gauges and Auto-Advance Production Date

Check to auto copy tank gauges to the next month

Track Production

**Checking this box turns on the Production system**

Maintain Tank Factors

In Tank/Meter Maintenance, for items setup as Meters, checking this box will look at the Default Meter Factor box.

If this box is checked, this factor will be used in calculating the production.

Create Prod report for JIB


Create JIB Comments for Company Code

If checked, the Production system will create a 4-month Trend Report and place it in your Joint Interest Billing systems "Billing Comments".

The generation is performed when the current cycle is updated.  

Enter the Company Code for your General Ledger company

Compare Run Statements to Company Code

The Production system produces a powerful report that compares the dollar amount you should receive from your Crude Purchaser to the amount you actually received in Check Stub.  Insert the Company Code.  At the "Revenue Type" prompt, enter the default revenue type.

Default revenue type

Select Revenue Type to use with the Comparison Report.  The default is Working

Number of Decimals on Production Summary

Must be set to either 0 or 2.


Additional Setups for Create Monthly Quantity G/L Entries