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Meter Maintenance

Meter #

Meter number.

Customer# / Lease# / Deck#

Customers Sub-Account, the proper lease number and deck (if applicable).

Connect Date

The date the meter starts using MCF's.

Disconnect Date

The date the meter stops using MCF's.

Renewal Date

The anniversary date when the meter started using MCFs- used to determine YTD rollover and the Free MCFs to be given.

Renewal date triggers the resetting of the amount of Free gas Consumed/used. If non-blank, then that is compared with Invoice date during the update to zero out the Consumed total.

Free MCF

MCFs used free of charge to the customer.

Used MCF

MCFs used. This should be filled in manually for the initial setup, afterward it is maintained upon the cycle update.

Pressure Variable

Factor used to modify metered MCF to compute MCF used.

Price Per MCF

Price set per MCF-(Billing Amount = Used MCF x Pressure Var. x Price).

Reader #

Choose the Reader for this meter.

Last Reading

MCFs used to date. This is maintained by the system upon cycle updates.

Last Reading Date

The date of the last reading. Leave blank upon initial setup and the system will fill it in upon completion of the first cycle.