Invoice History

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Invoice History

Sales by Sales Person

Sales by salesperson, includes information on commission sales and percentages.

Gross Margin by Division

Sales verses costs. For each customer this listing calculates the difference in dollars and percentages. The report can be narrowed down using the From/Thru options for Invoice date, Customers, and to Include or Exclude Salespersons/Div. There are additional options to Print each invoice and Sort Sequence and Sort Order.

Gross Margin by Class Code

Sales verses costs with emphasis on which classes are most profitable. The default options are set up to easily display which customers and classes had the highest margins. The From/Thru options are similar to the Gross Margin options: Invoice date, Customers, Class Code, Class Group (a collection of Class Codes as defined in Class Code Maintenance), and Sales Person/Div. Summarize by:  This option offers flexibility in how the information is presented. The default is Customer+Class+Inv#. Reports can also be summarized by Class only (3) or Customer only (4) to quickly display which classes and customers have the highest (or lowest) margins. There are additional options for Sort Sequence, Sort Order, Break by, and Print Cost and Gross Margin. This report can be exported as an .xls, .xlsx, or .csv file in order for the entries to be imported into the General Ledger module, #23-Import. If this import is being used the preferred file type is .xls or .xlsx. Any errors will be available in the error listing and the file will be color coded where the errors are with an explanation describing the error. The .csv import can be accessed by clicking on the "Old Import button located in the top right hand corner of the Import Unposted screen in General Ledger/#23-Import.

Work Order Summary

Used to count work orders on a daily basis for specified periods of time. The report can sort by User ID, the first digit of the customer's Sub-Account number (where the first digit of the Sub-Account designates a special code, such as divisions), the first digit of the customer’s Sub-Account number plus the user ID, or the sales person.

Print Missing Invoices

Lists all invoice numbers that were skipped or deleted and are not in the updated history file for invoices. There is an option to search for a specific range of invoice numbers.  It is possible that some invoice numbers get “used” even though you have no invoice on file.This happens when you escape out of the invoice before it is saved. The invoice number is assigned upon creation of the invoice and even though the invoice may not have been saved, the number it was assigned is still “used.” If an invoice is deleted, the invoice number of the deleted invoice would also show on this report.

Reconcile Prior Buyouts to AP

Reconcile prior buyouts with AP invoices to identify items paid but not yet billed out. The Date range applies to the Effective date for A/P invoices.

Customer Discounts

Discounts given to customers for specified periods of time. Must be using discount levels on the Parts Maintenance.  Can be run by district and must be defined in your custom fields in 7.  User can sub-total customer by totals only, each quarter or each month.  Also gives you the ability to print one line per customer, one line per invoice, or all detail. The report can be saved as a .XLSX, .XLS, or .CSV file.


Reconcile Commissions/ Reimbursements

Listing to assist in reconciling commissions and reimbursements.