Interfaces tab

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Interfaces tab

All interfaces are Add-on options to the First Purchaser Module.

Interfaces tab


Validate Property Ticket Import Group


WolfePak Mobile options


WP Pumper options

This field is not used by First Purchaser. (Production Only)

DOGG/Pumper Options


TMW and MiddleWare options

System will automatically populate the sync date/time for the TMW import data system.

Qv21 options


OGPumper Options

This field is not used by First Purchaser. (Production Only)

Welltrax Options

Note: If the Last Master File Sync DateTime for any system is changed to 12/31/9999, the system will not push master files for any of the first purchaser interfaces and will persist this date to prevent master file pushes in the future.

Touchstar Options

Last Master File Sync Date Time: System will automatically populate the sync date/time for the TouchStar import data system (optional). This field should not be changed unless requested to by your Customer Success Team.

TouchStar Import of tickets – use Alt Ticket # as Ticket #: Allows for an alternate ticket number to be used as the ticket number if the box is checked.