Handwritten Checks/Drafts

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Handwritten Checks/Drafts

What are the “Handwritten Checks/Drafts” menu items used for? These menu items handle real time invoice/check data entry. This screen will allow you to do 2 things at once, enter the invoice AND enter the payment at the same time. Even though both things are entered into one screen, it will make 2 separate entries into the General Ledger.

The Enter Checks/Drafts screen is very similar to the Enter Invoices to Pay screen. Most of the fields are the same. The main differences are (1) the due date field isn’t on here. Since the check has already been written, the due date is not needed. (2) There is a place for payment information.

Facts about Drafts

Used for instances when:

1.Money comes out of the cash account without a check. For purposes of this lesson, we will call this a draft. This includes payments automatically deducted (auto-pay), paid over the phone/internet, or when a debit card is used

2.A physical check that was written outside of Pak Accounting (old-school checkbook).

Create invoice and payment in “Enter Checks and Drafts”

Add payment to Open Invoice(s) in “Add Check Number to Updated Invoice”.

Just like a draft automatically clears the cash account at your banking institution, Pak Accounting automatically clears drafts in the system’s Bank Reconciliation Check History.


The Handwritten Checks/Drafts section of Accounts Payable allows you to:


Enter handwritten checks and drafts along with the invoice


Update/Post the handwritten check


Add check # information to an already entered and updated invoice