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GL IMPORT - Select the location of the exported zip file to import. NOTE: The import utility is intended to import files create by the GL EXPORT Utility. This import will allow imports that do not have certain fields that are newer in nature such as Tax Authority.


GL EXPORT - Select the date range, journal, location, and detail to export to a zip file.  For Check History to export, the bank code must be checked as exportable on Bank Account Master > General tab. If you want to export A/P bank account but not payroll, uncheck the export box in Bank Code.


NOTE: This option will change your Posting Allowed Date Range so that you cannot post into a period that you have already exported. If you change your Posting Allowed Dates the exported date will change back also.


Import Entries WolfePak-Dos - This function allows you to import unposted entries from a previous Pak Accounting version. Any unposted entries in Pak Accounting for DOS can be imported into unposted entries in WolfePak for Windows, it then can be posted to the general ledger. The function also allows you to delete the unposted entries in DOS after the import if you don't want to post them to the general ledger in DOS.


Import Property(s) from Sub-Table - Ability to Import/Add/Update the Property from a Sub-Table


Sync Property to Sub-Acct - Utility to create property Sub-Accounts from the property master, if none exists. The primary use is for excel import of property master & then use this utility to create the Sub-Accounts. NOTE: must have Check Stub company options for Property Table filled in AND must have the proper Property - Company Option switches turned on (usually the "Has Rev/Billing" option).


Import Suspense & Chk History - Utility to import check history and/or suspense entries from an XLS, XLSX, or CSV file . This import will save the file as XLSX first. CSV files will be converted to XLSX. This import allows you to pick the fields that you want to import and will create a template for you if you use the "Create Template" button. The date format is the system short date format as defined in "Regional Settings." The amount format will assume that all numbers are positive for the import.


NOTE: Check history records are imported directly into the table. After importing check history records, a resummarization must be done in Revenue Owner YTD located in the Utilities module in order for the records to be included in the YTD file. Additionally, if an error is detected during a Suspense import and reverts via the "Undo" Import, the GL entries will not be created. The bank code field will accept 1-4 characters.


NOTE: The GL Effective date is not used for suspense imports.


LandPro Import - Ability to Import from LandPro.


Export Properties/Division Orders - Ability to export the entire property master and Division order files at the click of a button.  The files will go to gln32\ccccc\glexport in CSV format.


GL Batch Export to CSV - Utility function that runs from a batch file or interactively that would output to a specified file name (replacing any prior contents).

If ran in batch, the command line would pass to in the company code to be processed and the output file name.  The system would automatically output all batches of transactions that had been posted the prior day.  

(with 3 am determining when the "day" begins and ends... starts at 3 am.  So a batch posted at 2 am, would be treated as being posted on the previous day.)

When the utility is ran manually, it would prompt for the company code, the output file, and give the user the ability to specify the range of batches to be extracted (give them drop down as to BPM range).