GEPX Export

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GEPX Export

GEPX Extract:


Pak Accounting has the ability to create a rolling monthly trend report required by GE Capital (lender) as part of loan covenants. The report is based on production dates. The Enable GEPX option must first be turned on in the General Ledger module > Company > Company Options > Financial Reporting tab > Advanced tab. Simply check the box to enable GEPX and the GEPX field will then be added to each account in Account Maintenance (F11). Each account will need to be flagged with one of the four choices: Don't Output, Output Dollar Only, Output Volume as Gross, or Output both Dollar and Qty as Net. Multiple accounts may be flagged at once by clicking on the Utility button in Account Maintenance (F11) and selecting Mass Maintenance Grid. In the GEPX field for the desired account, right click and choose GEPX option. A window will appear to change the GE flag.


Once all accounts are setup, choose the date for the ending period and the Operator in the General Ledger module > Reports > GEPX Extract. Click on "OK" at the bottom of the screen.

The GEPX extract creates an export file that is stored in the company's EDI folder (\WolfePak\GLN32\ccccc\EDI\GEPX.csv).