FP TouchStar Import

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FP TouchStar Import

Imports Run Ticket data from TouchStar. Also exports Master files from Pak Accounting to TouchStar.


a)Import Options Tab - Select the import dates as well as time each time you import. If you would like to be warned of any missing or invalid information, select items prior to importing.

b)Connection Options Tab - One time setup,  your TouchStar representative will be able to assist you with setting this up per their files.

c)Table-Specific Options - Cross references from Pak Accounting tables to TouchStar tables. These will be predefined for you.

i.Manually Update Master Files Only button - Allows you to export Pak Accounting's Master files to TouchStar at anytime otherwise, when you import Run Tickets they will be sent for you. This is typically used upon initial setup as well as during acquiring new leases.

ii.Flag/Unflag TouchStar Tickets as Imported - When tickets are imported from TouchStar into Pak Accounting the TouchStar tickets get flagged as  imported so that you do not import them again. If you need to "unflag" the tickets in TouchStar so that you can import them again, select the Unflag as Imported. Select Tickets Imported on Date and Time for the tickets that you would like to unflag in TouchStar.

iii.Import button - Once imported, the TouchStar tickets will be in Pak Accounting's Daily Run Ticket for review.


NOTE: When updating a Pak Accounting Tank that is of type "T/G Adj Meter", send it to TouchStar as type "METER_COMP".