FP Selective Extract

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FP Selective Extract

The selective extract allows you to extract tickets for an operator to send directly to revenue. Refused tickets will not display on the Selective Extract. Held tickets will display in red and will not be available for extract.  Use the selective extract to select the properties to pay using the Quick pay feature or normal processing in Revenue Billing extract. The GL (General Ledger) entries by property will use the first eight characters of the property code in the reference number. Once the extract is performed, the tickets will be marked as extracted to Revenue and will not be paid again. If a change to the ticket is needed, a ticket correction must be performed. The tickets will also automatically be flagged as Quick Pay.




If you are charging a penalty for paying selective run tickets early, see the Quick Pay Penalty and/or Quick Pay Setup in the Revenue system.

If the correction tickets are extracted with the normal extract for the next revenue cycle, the correction tickets will be combined with the regular cycle tickets into one entry for that distribution. 


Sel Ext