FP Daily Tank Gauges

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FP Daily Tank Gauges

Enter daily gauges and meter readings for your storage facilities to track inventory. If not tracking inventory then this is not needed.




Cycle Month/Year

Cycle Month/Year for the gauge reading. Defaults to the current cycle date.

Ticket Date

Date of the daily gauge reading ticket.

Closing Time

Closing time of day for the gauge reading. This will default based on the company Start of Day Time defined in Company Maintenance.

Property #

Property # for the gauge reading. Choose a property using the Lease Lookup or by typing in the Property #.


The Reference will default to DAILYGAUGE.

Tank/Meter ID

Tank Meter/ID for the gauge reading. Choose a Tank/Meter ID using the Tank/Meter Lookup or by typing in the Tank/Meter ID.

Obs. Gravity

Observed Gravity reading

Obs. Temp

Observed Temperature reading


Basic Sediment and Water reading


Gross standard volume of liquid passed through the meter.

Gross Bbls

Gross Barrels calculated for the gauge reading. The gross barrels reflect the number of barrels delivered. This field is reported to the nearest hundredth.  

Net Bbls

Net Barrels calculated for the gauge reading. The net barrels reflect the number of barrels received. This field is reported to the nearest hundredth.  

API Gravity

API Gravity for the gauge reading. This field is reported to the nearest tenth.