Find/Add Report

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Find/Add Report

Allows reports to be added via the “Add New” or “Import/copy” option. You can import/copy a report from the same company or pull in a report from another of your Pak Accounting companies. It also allows you to search for a report that currently exists.



To Import or Copy a report click on the Import/Copy button. You can either copy a report from the same company or import from another company.

Common examples:

Copy a report within the same company before changing the report definitions. This way, you have a backup of the original report.

Copy a custom-built report from another company so you don’t have to re-create it. This saves you time from entering in all the report definitions.

Copy a report from WINGL to your company. WINGL has excellent templates that can easily be customized for your company.

Find Add Report1



Add New Report

To add a new report enter in the Report # and Description for the report you would like to create. Then click Add New.

Add new