Certified Payroll Report

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Certified Payroll Report

Follow the steps on the Time Entry Payroll Checklist for setting up to print the Certified Payroll Register, go to Certified Payroll Register in Time Entry and set the Week Ending and the Job Code Range of the Register and click on print.  Certified Payroll information is setup in Payroll / Advance Options / Time Entry Options.


 certified pr register


Example Report:


 certified pr reg 2



 certified pr reg 3

Ability to create a file to send to TxDOT for our certified payroll filers  The file(s) will be created when running #22 (or 21) Certified Payroll Report in Payroll Time Entry if the “Create Wage Summary File” box is selected.

1)In the Payroll menu, under #81 Advanced Options, go into Time Entry Options tab. On the right side of page, under "First Day of Week" field is a new field - "Contractor ID". This is your companies Contractor ID.
2)In the Sub-Account Maint screen, under the AP Options tab, you will need to put your job / project number in the "Check Memo Description" field.
3) Make sure on all of your employees, in the Employee Master Maint, under the "Other" tab - that their "Sex" is assigned, and that if they have an "Apprentice Experience" amount to put it in the new field "Apprentice Experience" on the lower right side of the page.
4) In the "Time Entry" module, when you run your #21 Certified Payroll Report, you will now have the option to "Create Wage Summary File". This will create the file to send to TxDOT. The file will be in the \GLN32\ccccc\EDI\TimeEntry folder (where ccccc is your company code.) The file name will be pppp_yymmdd.txt, where pppp is the project / job code and yymmdd is the date selected in the certified payroll report.
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