Cash Source/App

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Cash Source/App

The Cash Source/Application Detail listing is a  report that shows the "roll forward" of the cash balance for a date range.  It shows the detail transactions that changed the cash balance.  

Check the Print A/P Invoice Coding box to see all A/P invoice detail.

You have a choice to include or exclude Checks, Deposits or Other (standard entries, drafts).  

Check the box "For each day's deposits box to see a list of all the invoice marked paid" in order to see what invoices were paid by that deposit.

oOn the deposit coding line(s), Pak Accounting will put an “*” in front of the account #'s in the Acct/Sub column that are not A/R accounts or were unapplied.  


The list of paid invoices will list the division/district for the invoice along with the invoice date, etc.  At the end of the report, there is a recap by district/cost center of the paid invoices.

This report can be summarized by Account, Sub-Account, or None. The default is to summarize the report by account.

A range of accounts can be define to summarize by.

A second bank code can be defined to be included with the first bank code if desired.

When using the "File - Save To" option, if summary is specified, then a summary will be output to excel instead of the detail. When the "File - Save As" option is selected and multiple months are being run, totals will be output by cash entry month in different columns.