Backup WolfePak Data Files

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Backup WolfePak Data Files

It is very important to backup your Pak Accounting data files on a regular basis. Pak Accounting recommends that you backup often, especially before you update any module to the General Ledger.


This only creates a backup for the company data files (i.e. gln32\xxxxx).  If you would like to backup the global files in the GLN32 root directory and/or the WPFORMS folder, select the Backup Global Files (gln32) and the Backup Forms and letters (WPFORMS).  Check the box if you wish for Pak Accounting to automatically close and exit when the backup is complete. Files are backed up to the WolfePakBackup folder by company and by date.


To set up icons so that you can run the Pak Accounting data backup process from your desktop, complete the following:


Individual Company

C:\wolfepak\GL4.exe @ABCDE $WP /YBKUP_ABCDE (substitute your company code in place of "ABCDE")


ALL Companies

C:\wolfepak\GL4.exe @ABCDE $WP /YBKUP_ALLFILES (substitute your company code in place of "ABCDE")


NOTE:  If you receive a Streaming Error message (i.e. Stream Write Error), then you  may have run out of disk space or exceeded your disk quota for the destination drive of your backup.


NOTE: If the backup has errors, the zip file will be renamed to contain the words"_has_errors_". The list of errors will be contained in the text file that accompanies the zip file. These will be located in the WolfePak Backup folder. In addition, a message will appear on the screen notifying you that the backup has errors.


Online Backup Services


Customers of Pak Accounting are entitled to the following “special” rates for online backup services, but they must contact the following person at KeepItSafe to receive this special deal and they must mention that they were referred by “WolfePak Software”. The special rate is substantial and computes to about a 40% savings.


Contact Clifton Slater:


Clifton Slater | Account Manager - KeepItSafe® | j2 Global®
"Online Backup for Business" - Certified to ISO27001:2005

Phone: 323-860-9457 | eFax®: 323-297-1972




Features included in their price per GB:

•          Fully MANAGED and MONITORED online backup service - We design, install, configure, and trouble-shoot your backup system, based on the world-class ISO 27001 standard, a globally recognized Information Management System benchmark that specifies how a business must establish, implement, review, monitor, manage, and maintain an effective information-security system.

•          3 months Free Retention

•          No license charges (I.E. per computer, per server, etc.)

•          World Class Service - It means KeepItSafe® (KIS) continuously backs up (and restores, if necessary) your data, via the Internet, and securely stores it to multiple off-site data centers that are managed and monitored ALL the time (24/7/365)

•          35% growth allowance (I.E. 100GB account is allowed 125GB of storage, this protects you from Quota Exceeds and allows you time to evaluate if you want to move to next tier)

•          Free software installation and configuration, we work with you to customize a solution for your client’s needs

•          Up to $10 million insured on all data


KeepItSafe® Difference:

•          KeepItSafe® is a global leader in online backup and disaster recovery solutions. Used for over 8 years by thousands of corporations and current protecting over 30,000 servers

•          Backed by j2 Global®, a leading provider of cloud services

•          One of few backup companies worldwide with ISO 27001. All our procedures are externally audited for compliance with this international standard. Complaint to PCI, SSAE Type II, HIPPA and Safe Harbor members.