Report Catalog

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Report Catalog

Also see: Financial Reporting Overview for more information on tabs and menu items at the bottom of the screen.

If regular monthly financial statements are being generated for a company, it is beneficial and time-saving to set up a report catalog. The report catalog allows you to define sets of General Ledger and/or financial reports. The reports are grouped together using a catalog name. This allows you to easily change reporting periods or printer definitions for the group. To create a catalog, go to Report Catalog Maintenance under Financial Reports.


To add new Catalog:

Click on Add, enter a catalog name, and enter the beginning and ending month/year for the report. This date will apply to all reports in the catalog.


To add a new Report

1.Click on the green "+" in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen.

2.The Seq# will default to the next available. See NOTE below if you need to renumber your report.

3.Select the Type of Report

Income Statement

Balance Sheet

Trend - Monthly Report

Trend - Daily/Weekly

Spreadsheet Report

Spreadsheet - Trend Report

Working Trial Balance
NOTE: this is not the Default Trial Balance. You may be out of balance due to missing accounts in the report definition.

Budget Report

Ledger Listing


Auto Create Entries

Cover Letter

4.Click Edit to create you default settings. This will pop up an edit window that is specific to the type of report selected and will allow you to enter specifics of a report. **Follow links above for more information on each report.**  

5.Click on Save when you have made all your changes.

NOTE:  To insert a new report in between existing sequences, select the renumber by 10.  Print sequence will renumber with increments of 10.  Insert a new line and select a sequence number in between the existing sequences.


Report Grid View:


check this box if you want to Print/Export/or View this report


edit your report settings


defines the order your reports will print

Type of Report

will show the type of report selected

Rpt #

shows the report number selected from the Edit menu

Report Name

this field comes from Report Definitions, Record Type 1, Report Name.


Refers to the “"Print a statement for the entire company" option on the Sub-Account tab of the report maintenance for all reports in the Financial Reports section of the General Ledger module. If the option is checked, “Yes” will appear in the field. If the option is not checked, “No” will be entered.


will list a selected financial group on the Financial Groups tab of the Report Maintenance.


NOTE: To add or delete a line in the grid use the grid options at the bottom of the screen.


Report menu items:


will print the selected reports one at a time.


the reports can also be saved as an Excel file. Each report will be saved in the directory of your choice in separate files.


see Drill Down Financial Reporting


will allow you to Print, Preview, or Save each report selected.


will allow you to Print or Preview each report selected.


will close the window


Catalog menu items:


add a catalog


will allow you to change the Current Period


will delete the Catalog Name

Find, 1st, Prior, Next, End

search tools to find catalogs