Journal Maintenance

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Journal Maintenance

Journals are set up in Journal Maintenance, located under Master Files Maintenance in the General Ledger Module.  Click on Add and enter the journal number and description.


Journal numbers are used to separate entries into groups, and can be any alpha-numeric combination up to 3 digits.


You can define the journals you normally use for each purpose by assigning a name to the journal number. Note:  Pak Accounting already has many default journals already setup.  To view the listing click on List at the bottom of the screen.


Once the journal numbers are defined, they are available thru the [/?] look up function anywhere a journal number is asked for (for example, in Unposted Entries Maintenance).  The name of the journal will also appear on many of the listings including both posted and unposted listings.


NOTE:   If you are using the  Accounts Payable, Payroll, or Revenue sub-systems, be aware that these systems create journal entries using the following journal numbers as defaults:



Computer generated checks in Accounts Payable


Hand Checks entered in Accounts Payable


Interest Charge in Accounts Receivable


Payroll checks from Payroll system


Revenue Disbursement


JIB Entries


These reserved journal numbers are used to record entries generated by the computer. You should not make your own (manual) entries to these journals.


To print a journal see Printing Journals


On the individual journals, you have the option to enable documents. This option will enable the ability to print a journal listing for only those entries without journals.



ZCE Journal- The ZCE journal is an internal closing journal used to adjust the YTD / ITD numbers without affecting any of the periods.When the posting allowed date range is changed to open a new fiscal year, the ZCE journal will be used (internally) to denote an inactive Account/Sub-Account with system created entries that have a description of "Transfer Inactive." This effectively moves the ITD amounts instead of rolling them forward to a new fiscal year as it normally would if the account and/or Sub-Account were active.


The ZCE also has the capability of closing into multiple capital accounts. The system will close the year automatically into the capital account that is specified in the company options located in the General Ledger module / Accounts tab / Retained Earnings field. From there, manual entries or an allocation can be used to move parts of the closing entry into one or more capital accounts.


Important Note: Any entries coded to this journal are required to be dated the last day of the fiscal year. In addition, this journal should only be used in very special/particular circumstances.


Adding Prefixes


Prefixes (or Auto Referencing) can be added to the beginning of a reference number to define the kind of manual entry that was entered. Click on the "Add New Prefix" button to define the Reference Prefix and then click "OK." If more than one prefix is defined, The system will allow you to pick the desired prefix upon entering the manual entry. Additionally, the references will be numbered sequentially.


NOTE: A journal cannot be deleted if there are prefixes defined. To delete the journal, you must delete the prefixes first. Journals that have entries posted to them should not be deleted.