General Ledger ACH

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General Ledger ACH


This setup is not for Payroll or Revenue ACH. Please see Payroll ACH or Revenue ACH.

GL ACH will not prevent items from pulling into an A/P check run. Process your GL ACH items before doing a check run.




General Ledger ACH is an add-on module with the ability to:

1.Pay outstanding Accounts Payable  (both accrual and cash basis A/P).
2.Collect outstanding Accounts Receivable invoices or balances due.
3.Pay or Receive Revenue Billing through ACH (Automated Clearing House).  


Pak Accounting Interface: G/L ACH interfaces with Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Revenue / Billing to send or receive payments from customers / vendors / owners.


hmtoggle_plus1Initial Setup


Using GL ACH:


G/L ACH Cycle:

1.Extract the accounts receivable and/or accounts payable information to send to the bank.        
2.Use the Edit Grid to hold any transactions.
3.Check the Edit listing for any problems.
4.Print Statements (optional).
5.Update to create the ACH file and create the general ledger entries.



Voiding Payment - see Voiding GL ACH Payment