OGP Date Scenarios

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OGP Date Scenarios

The dates for run tickets work differently than the dates for the production data entry.  Notice the dates and readings for 08/02/2023 in the Daily Production.

OGP Date Scenarios 1


I’ve entered a run ticket for the same day of 08/02/2023

OGP Date Scenarios 2


The Run Ticket created a new Daily Production data entry dated 08/03/2023 which has as the reading, the ending reading from the Run Ticket.  The Run Ticket time of day defaults to 7:01 am. Since it is after the 7:00 am time of day on the 08/02/2023 Daily Production entry, the Daily Production uses the Run Ticket gauge readings on 08/02/2023 as the previous days ending reading.  Also note that the sales show on the 3rd instead of the 2nd.

OGP Date Scenarios 3


Let’s look at a different scenario.  We’ll use the same dates but a different time of day for the run ticket.  The time of day is prior to the time of day on the daily production entry.

OGP Date Scenarios 4


Notice the difference on the daily production screen for the 2nd and 3rd for just this change.  My sales now show on the 2nd, but my ending reading is wrong since I sold 6 feet of oil.

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The bigger issue shows on the 3rd.  It still uses the ending reading from the Run Ticket at 12:30 am but the tank reading at 7:00 am is much higher.  This results in negative production on the 3rd because there nothing to show why the tank dropped from 5 feet 8 inches to 4 feet 5 inches.  

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