MFP - 1 Location Class Listing
This listing provides details regarding location classes including the Cost of Sales account/Sub-Account and Inventory account/Sub-Account.
MFP - Truck Listing
This is a listing of truck numbers, type, category, name, and default driver.
MFP - 3 Property Cross Ref Listing
This report provides a list of the properties along with their respective operators (ID's and names), transporter numbers, cross reference numbers, and Inactive Dates.
MFP - 5 Export for HIS Barrels Sold Reporting
This report exports the Number of Barrels for Reporting Year per Lease as a CSV.
MFP - 6 Nominations Comparison
Nomination Month/Year
Ticket Date
Enter in either the Nomination Month/Year -OR- the Ticket Date range.
Well Region
This option will further filter the information that is pulled into the report. The name of the Well Region will not print on the report.
Summary / Detail
•Summary level will combine all information into a single line item for each Location.
•Detail level will list out each Lease within each Location. |
BBLs per Day
Selecting this option will print BPD (Barrels per Day) instead of monthly nomination/actual. This will divide monthly total by the number of days in the month.
If still within the month, the system will adjust for the partial month. For example, if running the report for May on May 12th, only the first 11 days will be used to calculate the amount.
Property Name / #
Actual Net Bbls
Actual net Bbls will be the offload volume all the tickets delivered to that station in the nomination month.
Avg Gravity
Avg Gravity will be divided by number of days unless Barrels Per Day box is checked.
Nominated Bbls
Current Nomination total will be the total of all nominations for that station and specified month/year across all leases.
If Barrels Per Day is checked, then the total will be divided by the number of days in the date range and calculated accordingly.
This column shows the Actuals for the month, regardless of if Nomination record exists. This way if a Location did not have a nomination record, it can be easily spotted and corrected.
MFP - 8 P-8 Limits Listing
This report lists Property #, Property Name, P-8 Limit, Total Net BBLs and the Remaining Capacity.