First Purchaser Reports

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First Purchaser Reports

MFP - 1 Location Class Listing

This listing provides details regarding location classes including the Cost of Sales account/Sub-Account and Inventory account/Sub-Account.


MFP - Truck Listing

This is a listing of truck numbers, type, category, name, and default driver.


MFP - 3 Property Cross Ref Listing

This report provides a list of the properties along with their respective operators (ID's and names), transporter numbers, cross reference numbers, and Inactive Dates.


MFP - 5 Export for HIS Barrels Sold Reporting

This report exports the Number of Barrels for Reporting Year per Lease as a CSV.


MFP - 6 Nominations Comparison

hmtoggle_plus1This report produced the Actual BBLS vs the Nominated BBLs.

MFP - 8 P-8 Limits Listing

This report lists Property #, Property Name, P-8 Limit, Total Net BBLs and the Remaining Capacity.