OGP Property

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OGP Property

The tabs discussed or linked below are needed for Production setup. The other tabs within Property Maintenance are for other modules and not discussed in this section of Help.

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Set up a 1 to 10-character code that uniquely identifies the lease. The code can be either letters and/or numbers. After a new property # is entered and validated that it doesn't already exist, you will get a prompt to copy using the Property Utility option. Click on Menu to continue without copying.

Legal Property Name

This required field is printed on all reports that have lease information, including checks.  

Internal Property Name

When using the Internal Property Name, the Master Property Listing will pull in only properties for the Operator listed in the Operator For Run Stmts From field.

View Change History

Select this button to display the change log for the property.

General Tab

Property Maintenance is also set up in Revenue / Billing.



Property Master – General tab        


2 character state code. Also used by the Severance Tax Calc System.


Number identifying the county.  After entering your state codes, you can use the Drop down/look-up option to see your selections.

Also see State Specific Setups


Operator code. (Optional). Uses the Sub-Table (F12) defined in the Check Stub company Options.

Legal Operator

Enter the Legal Operator for reference only.


Operator Property #

Operator’s number for the property (Optional).


Enter acquisition information to be used for financial reporting (Optional).

State Property ID#

Regulatory Agency assigned #

Also see State Specific Setups

State reporting District #

Enter the District number for the property.

Also see State Specific Setups

External Property code

Used with a 3rd party field capture program.


Set if Property, Station, or Yard.  Station and Yard are for informational purposes only. Typically used with First Purchaser System.



Production Tab

Price Contract

DOI Tab - See setup in Revenue/Billing.

Cross Rev

ONRR Options - Used in MMS - 4054 reporting and ONRR-2014 reporting

Well Tests/Downtime

Other Tab

Project Notes





Gas Balance




Contact Info

Groups - not used for Production. Used for General Ledger Financial Groups.

Company Options Tab

Severance Tax Tab - See setup in Revenue/Billing.

Rev Deducts Tab - See setup in Revenue/Billing.


Notes Tab -  See setup in Revenue/Billing.


Gas Meter


Also see State Specific Setups and Commingle Setup