Export W-2 Transmittal

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Export W-2 Transmittal


To begin, review the information on the export W2 transmittal screen. If any changes to the state information needs to be made, do it in the payroll module, under Master File Maintenance > Basic Options > States tab.

After all options have been reviewed, click on the Extract button. This will cause a file to be extracted to the company’s GLN32 file in the EDI folder in order for it to be submitted to the Social Security Administration.  The destination for extract will be listed in the bottom middle of the screen. Pak Accounting is updated annually to meet all electronic filing requirements from the SSA.


NOTE: If a specific state is needed then uncheck the Federal Forms box. The State field will open up to be populated with a single state. Currently, Illinois and Oklahoma are the only state file formats available.


w2 tranmittal file creator



Click the extract button to create the electronic file. There will be a popup screen showing summary information.

You can print this page to keep for your records.


w2 transmitter maint 2

The View Log button will create an Error Log for review with a summary of the W-2 information. This log can be printed if needed as well.


NOTE:  To file electronically go to the Social Security Administration website at http://www.ssa.gov/employer

Select link to Electronically File your W-2's.


NEW FILERS - you must Register before submitting your W-2 file.  


Also see Folder Transfer/Compare if needing to transfer files between WPA and a local folder.