Drilling Costs

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Drilling Costs

The Drilling Costs add-on feature provides the ability to print an income statement for drilling costs on a per rig, per job basis for a specified date range. To purchase this feature, please contact Pak Accounting.

This report is designed for Contract Drilling Companies. It is available if the books are set up to track income and direct costs by job (by Sub-Account).

You must define the Drilling Cost reporting G/L account range in the Company Options. From that information the Drilling Costs Job Master records are automatically set up based on the Sub-Table used in the defined range. The first three fields in the Sub-Account detail, Name1 - Name 2 - Address 1, are pre-filled as Job Name - County - Operator on the Job Master. The rest of the information will have to be entered.


How do I set it up?

The setup for this feature is fast and easy and will allow for reporting to be accessed quickly.

1.Set up a Sub-Table for Rigs / Well.

2.On the chart of accounts, associate drilling income and expense accounts with the Sub-Table for Rigs/well.

3.Set up Sub-Accounts for each Rig/Job. The first two digits of the Sub-Account code represent the rig and the last four digits represent the job.

4.Enter the Drilling Costs account range in General Ledger Company Master Maintenance > Optional Add-On tab > Drilling Costs (Optional Add-On) section.


Drilling Costs Reporting

1.Under Report > Drilling Costs, select the Sub-Account to print the drilling cost report.

2.Enter the dates, actual on days and depth drilled by footage.


This is not an Operator type report.

The Drilling Costs Report computes drilling cost per actual day, costs per cumulative day, and cost per foot.  

For each applicable lease enter the following information for the Rig on site.


drilling cost setup


Select List to print the Drilling cost report.  

Enter the Sub-Account for the Rig/Job that you want printed on the report.


drilling cost report