AP Routing

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AP Routing

A/P Routing Path Name Maintenance works with the A/P Routing/Approval feature.  Once the feature is turned on in the A/P Company Master Maintenance under A/P Routing options, this option will be available on the menu tree.  This screen sets the the path of the routing.


Set up a Routing Path Name.  

a.A/P Routing allows you to set up the users for routing invoices.  

b.The left-hand side will be all available users (users are setup in security). Use the right-hand side to move names to the right-hand side.

c.Make sure to add them in the order you would like the path.  Use the up/down arrows on the right-hand side of the page to arrange them in the appropriate order.

d.Set up as many paths as you need.

e.You have the option to List the existing routing paths for quick reference if needed.


Many paths can be setup and will be available in a drop down on the A/P Enter Invoices to Pay / Approval tab.



If the security for a user is set to "List only", the user will be able to reject the invoice on the Enter Invoices to Pay screen and enter in a comment.  

Security does not have to be enabled to use A/P Routing/Approvals.