401K Options

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401K Options


401k options tab



Company 401(k) Options Maint

Detail number of Company Match

Number of the detail item defined for company match.

Print Company share on stub?

Check if you want the company share of the 401K to print on the check stub.

Compute Company Match by:

Pct of 401k wages or Dollar match?

D - Company match is a fixed dollar amount

P - Company match is a percentage of employee contributions

Y - Year to date amount


This table determines company match amounts.  For example, in the screen shown above, The first 3% an employee invests will be matched 100%.  

Pension File Extract Variables

0=Standard file layout for all companies

1 = TCDRS (Texas County and District Retirement System)

3 = Fidelity Investments

4 = Manulife

6 = LH

7 = mod Manulife

8 = QC

9 = ING

10 = TCDRS EE only

11 = ADP

12 = Wachovia

13 = Now Trac-Wachovia

14 = PCS Capital

15 = MBM Advisors

16 = Regions Bank/Ascensus

17 = CUNA Mutual Group

18 = Unified Trust

Vesting Schedule

Defines the vesting schedule as percentage per year.  The percentages must add up to 100%.  This is currently not used in reporting or calculations.


hmtoggle_plus1401K Examples